Monday, March 18, 2013

The Bible Series

Tonight my family and I gathered around to watch part three of The Bible series that has been airing on History channel. The whole time we have been watching this I am just more and more amazed.

I was thinking tonight how so many people have died for their right to honor, worship, live for and serve him. I mean the lives lost over it is unreal.

Here we are living in the greatest country in the world, free to openly profess our love for him. Free to worship, pray, and live 100% for him, and yet here we are hiding him.  Some were made to worship other idols and being denied the right to worship God. While we aren't bowing down to statues and other idols, what are we putting before Him?  We are keeping him to ourselves for fear that we might offend someone. Scared people will think we are weird.  That is nothing compared to the fear of losing your life over him. 

I too have been guilty in the past of saying "well the reason I don't spread the gospel more is because I don't want to seem pushy". Surely I am not alone in this thinking. Perhaps your excuse was different than "pushy"

Aside from our words that should be teaching and leading others, we should also be concerned with our actions. Are they lining up with what is coming out of our mouths or are they contradicting what we are saying.

Our troops fight for our right of speech, our right to vote, our right to freedom, our right to to have rights and our right to serve the one true living God. 

What are you doing with your right?

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